In a TV show broadcasted by TVR, Lorenzo Lombardi presents two young interns involved in the European program italymobility ran by CSCS.
Young people involved in Italymobility give a very positive score to their experience
Young people involved in cross-border business exchanges of give positive scores to the services provided by CSCS. Business support and entrepreneurial education services are strongly appreciated by young people involved in the business exchanges in Italy. This result have come to light from the surveys on the degree of overall satisfaction addressed to the […]
Internship in Italy for two finnish students
Two young students from the Keskuspuisto Vocational College (Espoo) have been hosted by Centro Studi Cultira Sviluppo (Pistoia) for 15 days. During the residence they carried out their internship which included the fulfillment of different tasks in the office and in the store.
Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo has been accredited as work placement company by the Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market (SBB)
Organisations granted this accreditation are competent to provide workplace training and apprenticeships for secondary vocational education. Download the accreditaion in PDF
Odense Technical College – Denmark
A group of 20 trainers from electricians department of Odense Technical College Themes The study visit has been focused on: Apprenticeship schemes Educational programmes and paths for electricians Educational materials and resources for electricians Internal staff development and team building Activities During the week we had the opportunity to: Organise a […]
Groupements d’Employeurs – France
CSCS has participated in a research project focused on new organisational model for SMEs based on the French experience of the “Groupements d’Employeurs”. The French Group of Companies and the Italian industrial clusters are good examples that show the importance that local dimension and local synergies play in the economic development and in the social […]
TKNIKA – Basque Government
A group of 12 consultants on entrepreneurship working within different educational institutions under the regional network TKNIKA for promoting entrepreneurship of the Basque Government. Themes The study visit has been focused on: How to promote the culture of among youngsters Training programmes about entrepreneurship Educational resources and Internet based tools Methodologies and resources to support […]
Comune Agliana – Study Visit in Spain
The first citizen of Agliana, the Major Paolo Magnanensi, together with Luigi Della Greca, Simona Lombardi, responsible for public child education services of the Town, and educational experts, Donatella Santimoni and Sandra Lombardi, have visited a number of educational organizations across the Basque Country. Thanks to the partnership among and the Vocational Education Center […]
European Institute of Rural Enterpreneurship
AIRELLE.ORG and Institut Européen d’Entrepreneuriat Rural have made a Study Visit in Tuscany thanks to The purpose of the visit has been to analyze Italian support services for entrepreneurship, come in contact with main public and private organizations involved in this field, attend thematic work shops and present own activities and tools. A special […]