Europemobility Network


With the support of DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, CSCS has launched the Europemobility Network, which offers mobility coordinators a unique opportunity to establish cooperation and partnerships with other educational providers, to create synergies and learn from each other.

Europemobility Network makes available resources and learning opportunities through Thematic Commissions. These are working groups focused on key aspects of learning mobility such as: Quality; Recognition; Impact; Cooperation Models; Funding Schemes.

Europemobility Network’s aim is to raise the quality and quantity of work-based learning abroad and its strength is based on the International Community of Mobility Coordinators, which is open to those involved in learning mobility in Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training and Informal and Non-Formal Education.

To know more about the members and to join the community, please visit

Europemobility Network regularly promotes awareness raising campaigns, such as the yearly European Video Contest for Learning Mobility. To watch the winning videos and to join this year’s edition of the video contest, please visit

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