In a TV show broadcasted by TVR, Lorenzo Lombardi presents two young interns involved in the European program italymobility ran by CSCS.
Professional Profiles
All the IMY mobility programs provide students with work placements in more than 100 job sectors and roles. Check them here or ask your IMY tutor for profiles that are not listed.
Feel at home abroad
For their whole stay in Italy, students will be living in our comfortable, fully-furnished and conveniently located apartments. See the pictures here.
Zero Risks
IMY insurance fully covers the learners during the internships, both at the work placements and at the provided accommodations.
IMY provides an Italian language course for starters, to help students understand the local culture and mingle with the local people. The aim is to give learners tools and tips for entering the labour market and managing their daily life. Check the course here!
Enjoy Italy!
During their free time, students will be able to hang out in Pistoia, Florence and the surrounding areas. Also, group activities will be organized by the IMY team for team bonding and network! What does Italy look like? Check here!